Saving our cereals: fungal infection prevention saves billions of dollars and secures food supply | The University of Sydney

The University of Sydney
Awards category
The Problem Solver Award

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Cereal rust diseases pose a serious threat to wheat, barley and oat production worldwide. Wheat rusts alone cause annual losses of 5.47 million tonnes globally.

Professor Robert Park’s vision led to the creation of the Australian Cereal Rust Control Program, the only research program in the world that fully integrates pathology, genetics and pre-breeding. The centre collaborates with privately funded cereal breeding programs, ensuring the research directly benefits farmers.

This research on cereal rust pathology and genetics has significantly boosted the economic viability of agricultural production.

The Australian Government’s Grains Research and Development Corporation estimates that genetic resistance to wheat and barley alone saves the Australian economy $1.09 billion annually. Professor Park’s research group contributes 60 per cent of this, amounting to over $600 million in Australia and billions globally.

Finalist - Professor Robert Park

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